Emerging European practice profile

We are excited to be featured as an emerging European practice with a profile on newgenerationsweb.com, click here to read it.
‘Towards an ethical stability’ sums up our ambitions to make socially resilient projects for a multiplicity of users and to work on bigger scales for positive impact on society as well as our own practice.
The interview is about how we got started, how we work, where we work (pre-covid19) what is the story behind our name and where do we want to go in the future.
Follow @newgens on instagram for an interesting view on the how, why and what of the current European architecture scene. New Generations goes beyond projects and is focused on what it is and takes to be an architect in the 21st century.
Earlier in 2019 we were one of the 13 selected Dutch practices featured in the research and book Atlas: being an architect in the 21st century and we were one of the invited speakers and workshop participants in the New Generations festival in Rome.